's-Heer Hendrikskinderen

' s-Heer Hendrikskinderen is a village in the Dutch province of Zeeland with 1340 inhabitants ( 2004). Since 1970 it is a part of the community Goes.

The place is located at the foothills of a reclaimed water course, which was also Goes arose. The church, after which the village is named, was in 1805 replaced by a hall building. 1857 lost the formerly independent municipality status, and was incorporated into ' s-Heer Arendskerke. With the dissolution of the municipality of 's- Heer Arendskerke the village came in 1970 Goes.

51.53.8666666666667Koordinaten: 51 ° 30 ' N, 3 ° 52 ' E

Eindewege | Goes | ' s-Heer Arendskerke | ' s-Heer Hendrikskinderen | Kattendijke | Kloetinge | Oud- Sabbinge | Wilhelminadorp | Wolphaartsdijk

  • Place in Zeeland
  • Goes
  • Former church in Zeeland