1000 (number)

The Thousand (1000, abbreviation: t ), also called One thousand, is the natural number 999-1001 She is straight and a cubic number. .


The German number word thousand has evolved from the Old High German thûsunt, thûshundi this from germanic þûsundi. This in turn is a combination of the number word hundred - hundi with a prefix * Malthus that "a lot" or "large " means and has * TDU, * tyu - formed from an Indo-European root meaning originally " swell ". So thousands literally means originally " great hundred". The German also knows the plural formation thousands ( " several thousand "), which, however, does not occur in number words ( two thousand, three thousand, etc.).

The Latin word mille for a thousand (of which even the Roman numeral symbol M) and the Greek χίλιοι ( chilioi ) are part of numerous foreign words in English, particularly in the prefixes of the metric system milli ( one thousandth ) and kilo ( one thousand times ) but also in words like Millennium ( Engl.: Millennium ) or chiliarch. The word mile ( thousand double step, Latin passus ) is derived from the Latin word mille. Colloquially money is counted in Mille.

Thousand is available in many language courses for a particularly large number - it is the highest non- composite number word in German. This comes about when millipedes before or the thousand year old eggs, a specialty of Chinese cuisine. Many legendary plants bear the additional thousand year, for example, the " Millennial Linden" in Götzingen or the " Millennial oak " in Borlinghausen.

Number names

From the number 1000 fundamentally new number names will be introduced only if they increase by a factor of 1000. Thus, there is a million from 1000 by 1000, one billion from one billion, one trillion from 1,000 billion, etc. A change in the number of names in terms of the Latin core curriculum, a change so that refers not only to the name ending- ion or iarde, needed in German but a Vermillionfachung.

Resolutions for units

To designate the thousand times a unit is the prefix kilo (abbreviated k ) are used, whereas a thousandth of a unit with Milli (abbreviated m) is called. For example, is a milligram (mg) of a thousandth of a gram.

Is also the reference to the unit byte in the computer science today understood in the sense of exactly 1000 bytes, the term kilobyte ( kB). These are 103 bytes, not 210 = 1024 bytes. To name the term kibibyte is 210 bytes (abbreviated KiB) suggested; Kibi (Ki ) is a Binärpräfix while kilo ( k) is a Dezimalpräfix.

Analogous to the use of new names for numbers of at least 1000 may be differentiated resolutions for units that cause an enlargement or reduction factor of at least 1000, also by a factor of 1000th Thus, the multiplying prefixes kilo (k ), M enlarge ( Mega), G (giga ), T ( tera ) successively by a factor of 1000 and thus denote a multiplication of the unit by 1000, a million, a billion and a trillion, while the prefixes for parts of a unit, m (milli), μ ( micro ), n (nano ), p ( pico ), successively by a factor of 1000 smaller and cause a division of the unit by 1000, a million, a billion and a trillion.

New names for Binärpräfixe are, however, at any magnification by a factor of 210 = 1024 award.


  • The thousand is a number of stages of the decimal system: One thousand is 1000 = 10 · 10 · 10 = 103
  • Since 1000 can be represented as a natural number with the exponent 3, 1000 is a cube of
  • 1000 is an even number.


From the Book of Revelation, the term of the thousand year reign of Christ, so the millennium comes. The belief in the second coming of Jesus Christ and the building up of his millennial kingdom is known as millenarianism or millenarianism. In the 20th century, the Nazis attacked this term for their propaganda, through whose creation they claimed " meet " the German history, see here.
