13 (number)

Thirteen (13 ) is the natural number between twelve and fourteen. It is odd and a prime number. It is both an unlucky number as well as a lucky number.

  • 5.1 grammar
  • 5.2 orthography
  • 5.3 sayings 13


  • Thirteen is the sixth prime number, the second Wilson prime number, a centered square number and the smallest Mirpzahl. Similarly, Thirteen is the fifth exponent of a Mersenne prime. A number is divisible by 13 if and only if their alternating 3- sum of the digits is divisible by 13.
  • Thirteen is located between eight and twenty-one numbers of the Fibonacci sequence and the number of archimedean solids.
  • Thirteen is lifted out the first ( new ) Number in the old twelve - system and in this respect from the other numbers. ( The same is true for example for the nine in octal. )


Group 13 in the periodic table of elements is called a group of earth metals or boron group. This group also includes the element with atomic number 13, aluminum.


  • In the second book of Exodus chapter 34 thirteen attributes of God are mentioned.
  • The bar mitzvah, the Jewish rite of passage for boys, takes place on their thirteenth birthday.
  • In the apocryphal Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians ( Nag Hammadi Codex III, 2 / and NHC IV, 2) is written by the "God of the 13 aeons " and by the forces of 13 eons.
  • In the Apocalypse of Adam ( Nag Hammadi Codex V, 5 ) one 13 kingdoms are described in connection with the origin of a savior in a kind of litany.
  • In the Gnostic and apocryphal text also " Marsanes " ( Nag Hammadi Codex X, 1 ) is spoken by 13 seals, the last and 13th label is assigned to the silent, unknown God.
  • In the Maya in their classic period, there were thirteen heavens, in several calendar systems of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, there were three ten-day time units that Trecenas.

Arts and Culture

  • Thirteen, film by Catherine Hardwicke from the year 2003.
  • 13 Tzameti, French - Georgian film noir of Géla Babluani from the year 2005.
  • 13, U.S. remake of 13 Tzameti from 2010 of the same director.
  • The Doctors: Album 13
  • The book Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

Disaster and conspiracy number

Thirteen is considered an unlucky number in many cultures. The irrational fear of the number 13 is called Triskaidekaphobia. People with this phobia avoid rooms, floors, or in general the number 13 This widespread phobia or superstition goes so far that in buildings sometimes the 13th floor " missing", ie is skipped. In many passenger aircraft, the 13th row is omitted in numbering. In some hospitals and hotels is omitted a room No. 13, in many motorsport series on the start number 13

  • The thirteenth day of a month is in the Western tradition as unlucky, especially if it falls on a Friday, see Friday the 13th
  • The number 13 is considered conspiracy count on the one - dollar bill. The number 13 is on the dollar bill 11 times before, hidden in images and text. However, they symbolize the 13 founding states.
  • In the Tarot, the 13 Death ( La Mort ) is assigned.
  • " The Thirteenth " is a synonym for the Devil. A number of 13 parts is also known as Devil dozen. Some bakers and butchers pack consciously 13 parts so as not to be liable to prosecution in the case of Verzählens.
  • In the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty speaks the 13 wise woman of the country, is not invited to the birthday party of Sleeping Beauty, a curse on the young princess. Here is the 13 the excess of the usual 12 good fairies.
  • The number 13 was the first of number drawn at the German lotto draw "6 out of 49 ". Ever since she was but in the Saturday draws the rarest number. In Wednesday contractions before she came on the other hand average often.



  • In all Germanic languages ​​(such as German and English), the 13 is the smallest number whose name is composed (eg, thirteen in English ).
  • Other languages ​​have different ways: For example, in Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Swahili and Hungarian 11 is already a linguistically composite number, in Spanish and Portuguese, however, the numbers have up to and including 15 ( quince Spanish, Portuguese XV ) in French even up to and including 16 ( XVI ) own name.
  • In Lithuanian, Romanian and in the Slavic languages ​​, the numbers 11-19 have their own names.
  • In Hindi -Urdu all the numbers from 0-99 are practically irregular and must be learned individually.


  • According to an old book printer usually the Thirteen was the first composite number the first number you write in figures (13). The Duden referred to this rule, however, today as outdated and no longer valid, even if it is occasionally observed. Today, one may also write smaller numbers in figures or tender larger numbers.
  • Although in English the Thirteen is the first composite number, you already wrote there, often the tens or eleven in number.

Sayings with 13

The Minimum Bid: It Goes to thirteen! featuring an objection or protest.
