153 (number)

153 is a natural number. Because of their exceptional mathematical properties and the mention in the Gospel of John has a special attention.

Mathematical relationships

153 is a triangular number in base 17, that is, it corresponds to the sum of the numbers 1 to 17

153 is also the sum of the faculties 1-5: 1! 2! 3! 4! 5!

Even if you add the cubes of each digit of any number divisible by 3 and with the resulting number shall proceed again, you end up after a finite number of steps always at 153

In John's Gospel (Jn 21,11 EU) is the number present in a scene in which the disciples of the Risen Christ on the Lake of Galilee encounter. The first unsuccessful fishing disciples of Jesus do at the behest of a rich fishing:

Owing to the property of 153 as triangular number to the base 17 various other speculations about the meaning arose. According to Kabbalistic numerology, the 17 corresponds to the numerical value of the Hebrew word טוב ( "good"). The triangular number is then available for the fulfillment of this term, so the 153 would be for the final fulfillment of the mission of Jesus good. From exegetes is also noted that in Ezek 47.9 to 10 EU a rich fishing between the villages of Ein Gedi and En Eglajim takes place. The numerical value of the name " Gedi " is 17, the name " Eglajim " 153 With the number 153 of the evangelist had then want to draw attention to these prophetic context in Ezekiel, which already promises a salvific event which finds a fulfillment in Jesus.

St. Augustine believed that on the last day 153 saints are resurrected from the dead.

Other meanings

Evagrius Ponticus explains 153 as follows: 100 is the square, the triangle 28 and 25 of the circuit. Thus, the number represents the harmonization of opposites.
