History Portal | Portal Biographies | Current Events | Calendar years

◄ | 1st Century | 2nd Century | 3rd Century | ► ◄ | 130s | 140s | 150s | 160s | 170 | 180 | 190 | ► ◄ ◄ | ◄ | 158 | 159 | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | ► | ► ►

Heads of State

Year of the Water Tiger壬寅( at the beginning of the year metal buffalo辛丑)

Syria: 473/474 ( year in October )


Politics and World Affairs

Roman Empire

  • Quintus Junius Rusticus and Lucius Titius Plautius Aquilinus are Roman Consuls.
  • Parthian War in the East: co-emperor Lucius Verus having command of the Roman punitive expedition against the Parthians. He travels to Brundisium (now Brindisi ) to embark for Syria.


  • Annius Verus Caesar, son and designated heir to the throne of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius († 169)


  • 162: Appian, Roman historian (* after 90 )