1924 Giro d'Italia

The 12th Giro d' Italia was held June 1, 1924 by May 10.

The cycling consisted of 12 stages with a total length of 3,613 kilometers. 30 of 90 participants reached the goal. Giuseppe Enrici won the Giro victory in front of Federico Gay.

Much attention in this Giro, the cyclist Alfonsina Strada, who ever started as a single woman in this tour. The organizers had believed that she was a man because she had enrolled with Strada, Alfonsin. While still stood in front of the start out that she was a woman, but they still allowed to start. Although she dropped out after the eighth stage of the time limit, let them continue the organizer, as it was celebrated by the audience and made ​​headlines in the newspapers. At the finish in Milan it was at least 20 hours faster than the officially last.

