1963 in radio

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  • August - The Dutch electronics group Philips introduces at the Berlin Radio Show, the Compact Cassette. The new recordings can prevail in the course of the 1970s as a cheap alternative to the more difficult to handle tapes that remain standard in the professional field until the introduction of digital audio technology.
  • November 1 - After three years of construction is on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Observatory, the time taken with a diameter of 304.8 meters, the ( until 1974 ) largest radio telescope in the world in operation.
  • November 22 - interrupt for the news of the assassination of John F. Kennedy radio and TV stations worldwide to their ongoing program. The ORF interrupts a radio play, ABC Radio the interpreted by Doris Day Hooray for Hollywood song.
  • December 14 - In Paris is known today under the name " Maison de Radio France " radio building officially opened determination in the presence of President Charles de Gaulle and Minister of Culture André Malraux.


  • January - The broadcast of the GDR calls an independent feature division into life.
  • January 1 - DR P3, the third radio program of the public Danmarks Radio goes on the air. It is aimed primarily at young listeners and thus sends mostly pop music. The establishment of P3 is a response to the shutdown of the offshore station Radio Mercur, whose activity has been criminalized by a law adopted by the Danish Parliament in 1962.


  • January 3 - The German television pioneer Walter Bruch presents the PAL color television system.
  • January 14 to 25 - The six-part TV movie Tim Frazer by Francis Durbridge, 1962 produced by WDR, placed the Federal Republic of Germany, similar to a year earlier, with the classic The scarf in a real state of emergency. The Street Sweeper reached viewing figures up to 93 %.
  • March - The Radio Télévision Marocaine diffusion ( RTM) exudes the first regular television broadcasts from Morocco.
  • March 8 - The NDR is seen for the first time the 18-minute Sketch 's 90th birthday or Dinner for One.
  • April 1 - The ZDF takes at 19:30 clock on its operation ( Sendeschluss: 22:00 clock ). The program was opened with speeches by ZDF director Karl Holzamer, the first edition of the news program today, and an address by the Prime Minister of Baden- Württemberg, Kiesinger.
  • April 10 - In the ZDF, the first edition of the series of talks is the person to see. The guided by Günter Gaus interviews style icon.
  • April 5 - The German television sends the first edition of the international magazine world mirror.
  • August 24 - The ZDF takes the current sport studio on the program.
  • October 5 - The BBC is showing the first episode of The Telegoons, a television adaptation of the successful radio comedy The Goon Show.
  • November 24 - Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected by the police as Kennedy assassin, is shot in his transfer from police custody in the state prison by Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby in front of cameras. It is around the first known murder, which will be broadcast live on television.


  • January 23 - Thomas Kausch, German television presenter born in Werne.
  • January 30 - Thomas Brezina, Austrian children's author and television presenter born in Vienna.
  • April 2 - Barbara Stöckl, Austrian radio and television presenter born in Vienna.
  • 15 June - Helen Hunt, American actress born in Los Angeles.
  • June 17 - Greg Kinnear, American actor born in the state of Indiana.
  • July 30 - Lisa Kudrow, American actress (Friends ) was born in Encino.
  • October - Dimitri from Paris (actually: Dimitris Yerasimos ) French radio DJ, presenter and musician born in Istanbul.
  • December 5 - Doctor Dré, African- American radio personality, 1988-1995 Moderator of Yo! MTV Raps was born in upstate New York.
  • December 16 - Bärbel Schäfer, German television presenter and a producer of is born in Bremen.
  • December 19 - Til Schweiger, German actor born in Freiburg im Breisgau.