2005 European Championship of Ski Mountaineering

The VI. European ski mountaineering in 2005 (Catalan Campionats d' Europe d' Esquí de Muntanya 2005) was held in Andorra from 1 to 5 March 2007. It was organized by the International Council for Ski Mountaineering Competitions ( ICSM ) of the Union Internationale des Associations d' Alpinisme ( UIAA ).


Nations Ranking by points and medals

2005 fell in the overall ranking of the nations of the national teams, the results of the team and individual races. The results of the first time as part of an EM discharged ski mountaineering disciplines Vertical Race and Relay not yet appear in the Federació Andorrana de Muntanyisme ( FAM) submitted Rating Nations.

(all ages )

Vertical Race

The competitions in the vertical race took place in the parish of Canillo on March 1.

Overview of the best 10 participants each:

Ladies Vertical Race

Men Vertical Race

Championship team race

The team races were held on March 2 at the Gran Valira.

Overview of the best 10 teams each:

Women's team

Men's team

Ski mountaineering single race

The individual races were held on March 3,

Overview of the best 10 participants each:

Women's Singles

Men's Singles

Combination results

Counted the results of the Vertical Race, the individual and team races.

Overview of the best 10 participants each:



Relay race

The relay races were the last competition in the Championship and took place at Soldau -El Tarter on 5 March 2005. The relay team of ladies consisted of 3 participants and those of the lords of 4 athletes.

Overview of the best 10 teams each:

Women's Relay

Men's relay
