2012 Pakistan garment factory fires

Ali Enterprises is the name of a Pakistani company in the textile industry. It turned her underwear for the U.S. and Europe. The plant in the Hub Road, Baldia Town, Karachi, was destroyed by fire on 11 September 2012. In this accident, which is considered the worst industrial accident in the history of Pakistan, at least 289 people died.

Of the workers in the factory no one possessed a contract of employment, a social security and health insurance. There were in the factory barely escape routes - up to a fire escape were all the other locks. The windows were barred, which is why some workers in desperation rushed out of the upper floors of the four-storey building and it suffered serious injuries. Against the three factory owners, including Shahid Bhaila, the authorities are investigating the murder.

In October 2012 it was announced that the German textile discounter KiK in the framework of an emergency assistance promised to the victims and bereaved $ 500,000. Even longer-term support and an improvement of fire protection to be ensured. In the past, KiK saw again and again with fierce criticism faced in its supply-chain due to the unsatisfactory working and safety conditions.
