22nd century

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The 22nd century will cover the years 2101-2200 of the Gregorian calendar.


Astronomical predictions for the 22nd century:

  • It is 239 times held a lunar eclipse.
  • On June 25, 2150 a total, seven-minute eclipse will take place, the first time in 177 years - the last one took place on 30 June 1973. This time she will, however, be repeated after a shorter time, on July 5, 2168 is 7 minutes and 26 seconds darkness prevail, and it 2186 7 minutes and 29 seconds will be dark on July 16, which borders on the theoretical maximum. It will be the longest solar eclipse in the 8000 years of 3000 BC to 5000 AD ( prediction by Fred Espenak ). All three eclipses are a part of the same Saros, Saros 139
  • In August 2113: Pluto reached for the first time since its discovery, its sonnenfernsten point.
  • On December 11, 2117: Transit of Venus.
  • 2123: Triple conjunction of Mars and Jupiter.
  • September 14, 2123: To 15:28 UTC, Venus Jupiter is obscure.
  • December 8, 2125: Transit of Venus.
  • July 29, 2126: 16:08 UTC To Mars Mercury is obscure.
  • March 10, 2130: 07:32 UTC To the sun will reach the center of mass of the solar system.
  • December 3, 2133: 14:14 UTC To Mercury, Venus will collapse.
  • 2134: Halley's Comet will return to the inner solar system.
  • October 7, 2135: Total solar eclipse over northern Germany, Hamburg will be placed in the center of the umbra.
  • May 25, 2142: Total Solar Eclipse visible from Germany from the Ruhr area.
  • 2148: Triple conjunction of Mars and Saturn.
  • June 14, 2151: Total solar eclipse, visible from Germany of Baden -Württemberg.
  • 2169-2199: With an estimated probability of 0.07 % of the Apollo asteroid ( 101955 ) Bennu could hit the earth.
  • 2170: Triple conjunction of Mars and Jupiter.
  • 2185: Triple conjunction of Mars and Saturn.
  • 2187: Triple conjunction of Mars and Saturn.
  • September 2, 2197: Venus hidden Spica. The last time this happened was on 10 November 1783.
  • December 24, 2197: The moon will hide Neptune.
  • April 14, 2200: Total Solar Eclipse in Germany, umbra passes over Bremen and Berlin.

Historical predictions

Many of the events of the 22nd century will be the degree of ability of the people at the end of the 21st century, to control the Earth depend. The union environment changes will play a major role in the development of society.

According to a UN estimate expected by 2100 around 10.85 billion people live on Earth. Due to the global trend of declining birth rates, the absolute maximum of the global population is expected towards the beginning of the 22 century, according to current knowledge. Here, Asia and Africa are likely to represent a majority of the world population.

According to the IPCC, it is likely that the sea level will rise, but the dimensions are still unclear. Many groups of people could be displaced and exterminated many plant and animal species. These and other factors could lead to water and food shortages.

At the same time science and technology could learn a lot of progress, this could be our ability to influence world events, greatly improve. For example, new forms of artificial intelligence may arise after Moore's Law, which exceed the human intellect. Full virtual worlds in speeds that are far greater than the real could be obtained; such simulations can run much faster and more detailed than what we are used to today. The continuous growth of the Internet and thus retrievable information could improve the cooperation between nations strong and develop new techniques for learning and working. Also, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, quantum mechanics, robotics, military technology and military equipment could develop strongly in the 22nd century. Most of our energy sources could be nuclear fusion.

Other predictions


  • FAT file systems support dates through December 31, 2107th