25 (number)

The twenty-five (25) is the natural number 24 to 26 it is odd, a perfect square and is the sum of the five odd, digit numbers: (1 3 5 7 9 = 25).

Significance of the number 25

The twenty-five in the periodic table for the atomic number of the chemical element manganese (Mn).

In Western society the 25th anniversary plays a major role, since 25 years correspond to a quarter of a century. A twenty-five year anniversary is often referred to as "silver ". Silver Weddings, service anniversaries and the like are celebrated as special events. Since 1470 the Catholic Church every 25 years celebrating a jubilee year.

An 25-year commemorations for special events are often silver coins or medals will be marked. For example, the Prussian 3 mark silver coin for "25 Anniversary of the accession of Kaiser Wilhelm II (1888-1913) ", the British 1 Crown Silver coin to " 25 anniversary of the accession of King George V ( 1910-1935 ) "or 10 Euro silver coin for " 25 Anniversary of the accession of Portugal and Spain to the European Union (1986-2011) ".

Other meanings

  • Twenty-five of the Blessed Greek Catholic Church of Ukrainians
  • 25 dynastic histories, Chinese historical work
  • 25 -manna, Swedish sports competition