255 (number)

The two hundred fifty five (255) is the natural number between 254 and 256 it is odd.

She has a special meaning in the information technology ( see below).

Prime factorization

The prime factorization of the number 255 is 3 * 5 * 17, this makes disassembly into three distinct prime factors of 255 are fünfundzwanzigstkleinsten Sphenischen number. Said splitter 3, 5 and 17, the first three Fermat numbers.

Information Technology

In the dual system has 256 different values ​​can be represented with eight points. In computer science, this is important because most of the computer ( the bits ), ( colloquially known mostly as a byte ) to summarize octets since the 1970s, the smallest units of information that they process or a multiple thereof. So can be represented 0 to 255 with an unsigned 8- bit integer variables the numbers. The number (decimal) 255 is the largest number in the binary system with 8 points ( equal to 8 bits, as 11111111 ) can be represented in computer technology and therefore occasionally occurs as a limit.


  • In the three color channels, red, green, blue are often expressed with 8 bits. For example, in HTML in the form of hexadecimal numbers. FF = 255 then corresponds to the max. Value (maximum brightness ).
  • Netmask in dotted decimal notation of simple networks often included in the number 255, because it is a subnet can be defined in the size of the network classes previously used on the Internet. The three classes A, B, C had the net length 8,16,24 bit and thus the network mask,,
  • The computer game Pac -Man has 255 playable levels, because at level 256 of the level counter which is stored as an unsigned 8-bit integer from 255 to 0 dB and this is not handled correctly by the Program.