27 (number)

The Twenty-seven (27 ) is the natural number between twenty-six and twenty-eight. It is odd.


Is a number twenty-seven cubic and the smallest natural number which can be written in two different ways as a sum of three squares equal to 0, that is, as.


27 is the atomic number of cobalt and the mass number of aluminum ( single stable isotope 27Al ).

In religion, philosophy and occultism

Some Buddhist prayer beads ( Mala ) have 27 beads ( 108 divided by 4). In almost all Christian traditions today is the New Testament of 27 books. According to Pythagoras and Plato represent the number 3 to the third power (ie 27) and the number 2 to the third power ( i.e., 8) the cosmos. In the Kabbalah, there are 27 letters, according to 27 channels of communication with God and 27 combinations of the names of God - 13 open and concealed 14. According to Feng Shui is one, to raise money to keep 27 identical coins in the house. According to the ancient Incan culture, there were 27 road to Eldorado.


In Indian Astrology Jyotisha the ecliptic into 27 groups of stars ( Nakshatras ) is divided.


Several musicians died at the age of 27 years. These include Robert Johnson, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Ron McKernan, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse. The musicians who have died at this age are often attributed to the so-called Club 27.


The ampersand ( & ) was once used in English-speaking schools as the 27th letter in the recitation of the alphabet.
