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Heads of State

Year of the Water Pig癸亥( at the beginning of the year Water Dog壬戌)

Syria: 314/315 ( year in October )


Politics and World Affairs

Roman Empire

  • Fourth extension of the empire of Augustus proconsulare for another 10 years. The imperium proconsulare formed one of the key instruments of power of Augustus and his successors ( supreme command stationed in vulnerable provinces legions ), was the princeps Augustus never awarded for life but merely extended by the Senate: 18 and 13 BC by 5 years, 8 BC and AD 3 and 13 to 10 years. Only Tiberius received the imperium proconsulare on 19 August 14 AD for life.

Germania magna

  • The Marcomanni ruler Maroboduus combines the Hermunduren, Quadi, Lombards and Semnones his kingdom in Bohemia ( Marbodreich ). This is meant as an alliance against Rome.


  • Ban Biao, Chinese historian and official of the Han Dynasty ( † 54)