365 BC

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Year of the Fire Dragon丙辰( at the beginning of the year wood rabbit乙卯)


Politics and World Affairs

Western Mediterranean

  • Lucius Quintus Servilius Genucius Aventinensis and Ahala be Roman consuls.

Eastern Mediterranean

  • After ten months of siege the Attic commander Timotheos conquered the capital of the island of Samos. He distributes the population and settled Athenian citizens ( " cleruchs ") in the city.
  • The Macedonian ruler Ptolemy of Aloros falls an attempted assassination of the king Perdiccas III. to the victim. Ptolemy had a few years earlier can Perdiccas ' brother murder to gain the regency.
  • Thebes begins to build its own navy.

Culture and Society

  • First theater performance in Rome by Etruscan actors.


  • 365 BC: Euclid, Greek mathematician († 300 BC )
  • 365 BC: Chuang Tzu, Chinese philosopher († 290 BC)


  • Marcus Furius Camillus, Roman statesman (c. 446 BC)
  • Ptolemy of Aloros, Macedonian statesman
  • By Antisthenes, Greek philosopher (c. 440 BC)