History Portal | Portal Biographies | Current Events | Calendar years

◄ | 3rd Century | 4th Century | 5th century | ► ◄ | 350s | 360s | 370s | 380s | 390er | 400 | 410er | ► ◄ ◄ | ◄ | 382 | 383 | 384 | 385 | 386 | 387 | 388 | 389 | 390 | ► | ► ►

Heads of State

Year of the Fire Dog丙戌( at the beginning of the year Wood Rooster乙酉)

Era of Diocletian: 102/103 ( year November )

Syria: 697/698 ( year October )


Politics and World Affairs

Roman Empire

  • Novara is destroyed by Magnus Maximus in the fight against Valentinian II.

Imperial China

  • With the Northern Wei, the first of the five Northern Dynasties begin.

Religion and Culture

  • FEBRUARY 26: A pooled in the Theodosian Code regulation prohibits trade with martyr 's bones. It is noted in the following centuries little.
  • December 25: The first Christmas on this date.
  • Augustine wrote the De beata vita work.


  • Jin Feidi, former Chinese emperor (c. 342)
  • Aelia Flacilla, Roman empress as the wife of Theodosius I.
  • Wang Xianzhi, Chinese calligrapher (* 344)
  • 386: Bauto, Roman officer