392 BC

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Year of the Earth Ox己丑(at the beginning of Earth Rat戊子)


Politics and World Affairs

Western Mediterranean

  • Lucius Valerius and Marcus Manlius Potitus Poplicola Capitolinus be Roman consuls.
  • After his unsuccessful attempt to conquer all of Sicily by the Carthaginians, includes Dionysius I of Syracuse, a peace treaty, which restores the status quo ante.

Eastern Mediterranean

  • Tiribazus, the satrap of Lydia, invites the representatives of the Greek city-states to Sardis, to negotiate an end to the Corinthian War. Here, Conon, the emissary Athens, captured by the Persians. Thrasybulus then is again strategist Athens.
  • Amyntas III. is again king of Macedon.
  • Hakor can enforce as against Pharaoh Psammuthis be final.

Culture and Society

  • Isocrates in Athens founds a school of rhetoric.
  • 392 BC: Aristophanes wrote the comedy The womenfolk Assembly ( Original: Ekklesiázusai ).


  • Kyniska from Sparta wins the car race in the Olympic Games for the second time in a row with a foal - four-horse chariot.


  • Psammuthis, Egyptian Pharaoh