484 BC

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Year of the Fire Snake丁巳(at the beginning of Fire Dragon丙辰)


Politics and World Affairs


  • Kaeso Fabius Vibulanus from the patrician family of the Fabians is Consul of the Roman Republic.
  • Xerxes I. knocks down the uprising of the Egyptians under Psamtik IV against the Persian suzerainty and sets Achaemenes as a satrap.
  • The Athenian politician Xanthippos is - probably because of his opposition to the naval policy of Themistocles - banished by ostracism from the city.
  • The Roman Republic conquered the main settlement area of ​​the Aequians.

Imperial China

  • Time of the Spring and Autumn Annals: Confucius is called back to his 13-year wanderings to Lu.


  • Astylos of Croton is the first known athlete of antiquity, of turning its back on his hometown. In the Olympics, he can proclaim himself as a member of Syracuse, after which his statue is destroyed in Croton.


  • (um): Achaeus from Eretria, Greek tragedians