527 organization

A 527er group (English: 527 group), named after a section of the internal revenue code ( the U.S. tax law collection ) is a tax-exempt organization in the U.S., which aim to influence the candidacy, nomination, appointment or removal of candidates for public office is.


In contrast to campaigners or political parties may accept donations from all legal sources without height limitation 527er groups. As they are not under the control authority of the U.S. Federal Election Commission ( federal elections commission ), they may act only on specific task areas, such as the general voter mobilization and for the treatment of individual topics; the support of a particular candidate, however, is prohibited, as well as the coordination of its own activities with those of a presidential candidate. The question of the boundary between permissible and impermissible topics treatment candidates support is a permanent point of contention.

The importance of 527er - groups in the U.S. has increased, since the admissibility of the collection of donations through campaigner was severely restricted and regulated. So in the U.S. presidential election campaign in 2004 groups that support the choice of candidate John Kerry, about 63 million U.S. dollars spent, in large part for television commercials. The campaign team of incumbent George W. Bush and challenger John Kerry throw each other against illegal collusion with various 527er groups. On both sides there are multiple people have already withdrawn from certain campaign items to avoid the appearance of illegal collusion, as lawyers, who held the same time mandates for campaign organizations and for 527er groups. While George W. Bush the influence of all 527er groups designated as "harmful " and repeatedly expressed a more restrictive revision of the legal framework, John Kerry avoided such a fundamental rejection.

Examples of 527er groups

  • EMILY 's List, support candidates of the Democratic Party
  • Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, SBVT directed against John Kerry
  • MoveOn.org, directed against George W. Bush
  • U.S. organization
  • Election in the United States