610 Office

The 610 Office ( 610办公室Chinese, Pinyin bàngōngshì 610 ), on 11 December 2003 in fáng fànhé chǔlǐ xiéjiào Wenti lǐngdǎo xiǎozǔ bàngōngshì (防范 和 处理 邪教 问题 领导 小组 办公室, Managing Office for the prevention and treatment of heresies problem ') renamed, is an agency of the people's Republic of China with the order, banned religious groups, particularly to monitor Falun Gong and to undertake countermeasures.

Functions of the Authority are measures to provide information about Falun Gong and other " harmful qigong movements ", their prevention and "recover " and coordinating other public agencies regarding these activities to the "transformation" of members of such groups and organizations.


The office said to have been founded on 10 June 1999 on the orders of Jiang Zemin, which is why it derived from that date, in English 6-10, also briefly office was called 610, with Li Lanqing as head and Luo Gan as its Durchführungsbeauftragtem.

Pictures of 610 Office
