A Escola

A Escola (Portuguese: The school ) is a drama written by Miguel M. Abrahão, published in 1983 in Brazil and published again in the form of romance in 2007.


The plot of the book is set in the 30s, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Dornelles Vargas government. Professor Bolivar Bueno, with dangerous ideas for the season, in which he lived, has a strong emotional control over the students of traditional college Wolfgang Schubert, fighting against the intrigues of the Director, Rev. Otto Stockhausen, and his assistant, Miss Catherine. In 2005, the author has adapted the play for the format of the novel, which was launched in 2007. In this new format, Miguel M. Abrahão expanded the historical background of topics such as revolution in São Paulo 1932, conflict between communism and fascism, in addition to historical information about the Communist conspiracy 1935.


  • COUTINHO, Afrânio; SOUSA, J. Galante de. Enciclopedia de literatura brasileira. São Paulo: Global; Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Academia Brasileira de Letras, 2001: 2v.
  • Sociedade Brasileira de Autores Teatrais - Processo de 36030 19/10/1983