A. Edward Sutherland

A. Edward Sutherland ( born January 5, 1895 in London, † December 31, 1973 in Palm Springs, California ) was a British film director and silent film actor.


A. Edward Sutherland was born in London, the son of American parents. In 1914 Sutherland as an actor for the film. For Director Sutherland came as assistant to Charlie Chaplin. He assisted him in the films The nights of a beautiful woman and gold rush. In Gold Rush, he controlled Chaplin, while this was even before the camera. In 1925 he directed his first film. In 1926 he married actress Louise Brooks. The marriage, however, was divorced in 1928. Sutherland was especially successful comedies in the 1930s and 1940s. 1946 directed and produced the Broadway play Abie 's Irish Rose. After this financial failure, he retired from Hollywood and produced in the 1950s for television.

Filmography (selection)
