AB Doradus moving group

The AB Doradus moving pile includes about thirty young stars, the similarities in terms of their estimated age of 50-119 million years ago, their metallicity, as well as their common proper motion have. The AB Doradus moving pile is about 20 parsecs away, and thus the sun next move piles. With nine stars within ten parsecs, or slightly more than 30 light-years, AB Doradus is the core region of the cluster motion. Its smaller components are mostly late - K stars. Many of them could heat up even further or are still surrounded by dust. To the slightly older, eight light-years distant neighbors of AB Doradus, HD 40307, six exoplanets have already been identified. However, the system is not part of the movement group.

Due to his young age and its close proximity to the AB Doradus moving pile is next to the regions around TW Hydrae and β Pictoris optimized for the search for extrasolar planets, as well as for the study of the formation of planetary systems and their evolution around young stars. Using the latest techniques, it should be possible to any components even hold pictorially.
