Abby Johnson (activist)

Abby Johnson ( born 1980 ) is an American right to life activist. The national importance they acquired through their legal battle with Planned Parenthood in 2010.


Abby Johnson studied psychology and counseling. After her studies she worked voluntarily for the pro-abortion organization Planned Parenthood, then she headed to the end of 2009, an abortion clinic in Bryan (Texas ). She continued actively for a liberal abortion practice in the United States. In October 2009, she assisted an abortion, which was controlled by ultrasound. The images of the ultrasound images on the screen led it to terminate at the abortion clinic and to join the U.S. pro-life movement. Her case quickly gained national attention and has been commented in many media. Planned Parenthood, the abortion clinic where she worked, plant, accused her of breach of professional confidentiality parable and was a legal case against them. It was exempt from all charges.

Your experience as a director of the abortion clinic and their way of life she described in the book Unplanned. Easter 2011 she converted in the course of their new stance on abortion to the Roman Catholic Church. Since February 2011, Johnson worked for the right to life organization Live Action. Since June 2011 she is blogging for the website Since 2012 she is part-time staff member of Americans United for Life.


  • Lifeline. Augsburg 2012 ( Sankt Ulrich Verlag). ISBN 978-3-86744-210-7