Abductor hallucis muscle

The abductor hallucis (Latin for " big toe spreader " ) is one of the skeletal muscles on the sole of the foot. The muscle forms the inner ( medial ) edge of the foot, its belly is korpernahen ( proximal ) section palpable.

The muscle has three origins:

  • Processus medialis tuberis calcaneal calcaneus
  • Flexor retinaculum, superficial sheet
  • Plantar fascia

The muscle pulls on the medial sesamoid bone at the head of the first metatarsal, which serves as a pivot point ( fulcrum ), and is applied to the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe.


The abductor hallucis straddles the big toe outward. In addition, he is also involved in flexion of the big toe joint. It also plays a role in the tensioning of the longitudinal arch of the foot.
