Abel (given name)

Abel is a masculine first name and family name. In the Low German language area Abel is a female first name as a short form of Apollonia.

Origin and Meaning

Abel ( Hebrew: " touch ", " impermanence " ) is a native of the Bible name. There Abel is the second son of Adam and Eve.

In the Middle Ages Abel was also a short form of Albrecht. Its feminine form is Abelina.

Name Days

Name day is the

Well-known bearers of the name

  • Abel ( Denmark) ( 1218-1252 ), Danish King
  • Abel Eppens ( 1534 -ca. 1590), Frisian chronicler
  • Abel Ferrara ( born 1951 ), American film director
  • Abel Ferreira (1915-1980), Brazilian composer
  • Abel Gance (1889-1981), French film director
  • Abel Goumba (1926-2009), politician of the Central African Republic
  • Abel Barrera Hernández (c. 1960), Mexican priest, anthropologist and human rights
  • Abel Muzorewa (1925-2010), Bishop and Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Rhodesia
  • Abel Pacheco ( born 1933), President of Costa Rica
  • Abel Paz (1921-2009), Spanish anarchist and writer
  • Abel Antonio Pujol Jiménez (1913-1995), Mexican artist
  • Abel Tasman Janzoon (1603-1659), Dutch seafarer
  • Abel P. Upshur (1790-1844), American politician
  • Abel Xavier (born 1972 ), Portuguese footballer

Abel as an artist name:

  • Abel Campos (born 1962 ), Angolan footballer
  • Abel Fernando Moreira Ferreira (born 1978 ), Portuguese footballer
  • Abel Silva (born 1969 ), Portuguese footballer
  • Abel Carlos da Silva Braga ( born 1952 ), Brazilian footballer
  • Abel Xavier (born 1972 ), Portuguese footballer

Abel as fictional characters:

  • Abel with the harmonica, novel by Manfred Hausmann