
The term Abenomics ( by analogy with Reaganomics ) is a portmanteau word composed of " Abe" and " economics" (English for Economics ) and refers to the economic policies of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his Cabinet in Japan.

On 16 December 2012, the Liberal Democratic Party had in the Shūgiin Election 2012, the majority in Shūgiin, the lower house of the national parliament won (LDP ); they then formed a government coalition with the Kōmeitō. Abe was elected by both houses of parliament on 26 December as Prime Minister, he and the Cabinet were appointed on the same day.

The state of Japan is extremely high debt ( 7,800 billion euros at 30 June 2013); nevertheless Abe and his party decided to radically as applicable monetary policy and fiscal policy ( deficit spending ). Structural reforms have been announced; Abe whether they actually translates into practice (August 2013) remains to be seen. Some economists see Japan in a deflationary spiral.

Abenomics renames Abe's in January 2013 began trial, with comprehensive economic programs, an enormous flood of money and deregulation in particular in the financial sector to break through the more than two decades of continuing economic crisis in Japan is located. The government wants to take " measures to increase the potential for growth."

The program led temporarily to more confidence in Japan. After initial highs, the Nikkei 225 slumped heavily; the opportunities and risks of ' Abenomics ' are controversial.

A more prolonged market crash ( see also bearish ) is considered possible; For this scenario, coined the UBS banker Alexander Friedman the term Abegeddon ( in allusion to Armageddon ).

In its monthly report for August 2013, the Bundesbank expressed open skepticism about the Japanese economic policy ( quote: " In the medium term, this trend turns out but when cyclical fire of straw, it has expired the economy from 2015 tend to be loaded "). Much more durable is the stimulating effect on the inflation rate. Fiscal policy and the cyclical swings should we reinforce, rather than to flatten them ( the ending of " Ankurbelungs " measures is likely to fall with the planned for April 2014 the first stage of the VAT increase together). It remains to be seen whether sweeping reforms and structural reforms would be implemented.
