Abi Kusno Nachran

Abi Kusno subordinated ( * ca 1940 in Kalimantan, Indonesia, † 24 July 2006) was an Indonesian activist for the protection of the rainforests.


Abi Kusno subordinated grew among the people of the Dayak on in the rainforest of Zentral-Kalimantan/Borneo. As a young man he left his village to study. After abandoning his studies, he worked in the administration of the city Pangkalanbun, where he was part of the widespread corruption there and was also involved to cover illegal logging.

After his pilgrimage to Mecca, but he began to feel ashamed of his behavior. He traveled the country and found, among other things the forest of his childhood destroyed before. Subordinated began for the preservation of the rain forest use, as a journalist wrote articles against the destruction of forests and did some research on illegal loggers and traders to. Several times he received death threats. In November 2001, he was able to bring that ships with 54,000 cubic meters of illegally harvested timber were seized.

20 days later Abi Kusno subordinated debt was raided in Pangkalanbun of 20 men with machetes and seriously injured. As he lay in a pool of blood on the ground, he was considered dead and wanted to bring him into a morgue. However, by moving a toe on his left foot subordinated debt could pull the shroud and prove its vitality. He was then taken to a hospital. The Indonesian doctor who treated him, had studied in Hamburg and reached that Abi Kusno subordinated debt could be operated there. In order to provide the 15,000 euro for the treatment, subordinated sold his property; Donors came on for the remaining amount, and the hospital gave up a portion of the fee. Even after surgery remained subordinated ravaged by his injuries.

In the ZDF program Frontal21 of 14 January 2003 Abi Kusno subordinated said of the assassination attempt: " The timber market in Indonesia is a dirty business. The timber mafia worried forged documents, bribes the police to do with the export of tropical timber big profits. Because of my research ships of the timber mafia were seized. That was the Mafia too much. For years they have threatened me. This time they wanted me to disappear forever. "

Subordinated continued his struggle and became a deputy in the Indonesian Parliament in Jakarta. In 2003, he traveled again to Germany to take the Dr. Götze Geo Price ( Environmental Prize Hamburger students ) in reception.

End of July 2006 died Abi Kusno subordinated as a result of a traffic accident.
