Abraham Constantin Mouradgea d’Ohsson

Abraham Constantin Mouradgea d' Ohsson ( born September 26, 1779 Istanbul, † December 25, 1851 in Berlin) was a French- Armenian Mongolist in Swedish diplomatic services, whose main work Histoire des Mongols from the first half of the 19th century to the latest time in Russian, Japanese and Chinese translations appear.

His father Ignatius Mouradgea d' Ohsson (1740-1807) wrote an early history of the Ottoman Empire.

Histoire des Mongols

His " History of the Mongols of Genghis Khan to Tamerlane " is one of the first comprehensive histories of the Mongols and their time, she first appeared in 1824 in Paris, most recently in four volumes in La Haye and Amsterdam in four volumes. It is still useful today because of D' Ohssons masterful analysis of the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian sources in particular.


  • Histoire des Mongols: depuis Tchinguiz Khan jusqu'à Timour long. Paris: Didot, 1824
  • Histoire des Mongols depuis Tchinguiz Khan jusq'a Timour Bey ou Tamerlane. Amsterdam: Muller in 1852 (4 volumes)
  • In peuples you Caucase et des pays au nord de la Mer Noire et de la Mer Caspienne, dans le siècle dixième ou voyage d' Abou -al- Cassim. Paris: Didot 1828