Abu 'Abdullah al-Shi'i

Abu Abdallah al- ʿ i ski, Arabic أبو عبد الله الحسين بن أحمد بن محمد بن زكرياء الشيعي Abu Abdallah al -Husayn ibn Ahmad b. Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al- Schi'i, Abū ʿ Abd Allāh al DMG -Husayn b. Aḥmad b. Muhammad ibn Zakariya ʾ ʿ ī aš -Si (the " Shiite ", † February 28 911), was the greatest missionary of the Ismaili Muslims in North Africa, Ifriqiya and the Maghreb.

He was ( according to other sources in Sanaa ) born in Kufa, Iraq and was in administration in Iraq, before he joined the teaching of the Ismailis. First, he proselytized among Ibn Hauschab in Yemen and Mecca, but was invited by pilgrims in the Maghreb.

He has, since 893 the Ismaili doctrine among the Kutama Berbers ( Sanhaja ) and formed from their tribes a fighting alliance against the ruling Aghlabids. After the latter 902 first military actions of the Kutama had repulsed the Kutama conquered under Abu Abdallah 909 all Ifriqiya and overthrew the dynasty of Aghlabids. Now Abdallah took over the regency for the expected Mahdi, who was freed from captivity in 909 Sijilmasa.

The leader of the Ismaili Fatimids previously hidden participated in Raqqada ( in Kairouan ) to the title of Caliph Abdallah al and led as -Mahdi ( 910-934 ), the Government of the Fatimid Empire. Since Abu Abdallah al- ski `i had probably hoped that al -Mahdi would be content with the spiritual guide and transferred to him the temporal power, it soon came to tensions. When he played a dubious role in a conspiracy of missionaries ( du'at ) and Kutamaführern, let him al -Mahdi murder on 28 February 911.
