
An ABX test is an acoustic test method by which it can be determined whether a particular factor ( audio codec on ​​your computer, speaker cable, etc.) has an audible effect on the audio signal or not. This type of test is also called blind test.

The test person has access to the three sound sources A, B and X. X is randomly selected and is either A or B. The receiver has to decide if the source X is A or B corresponds to the source. This process is repeated several times. If the test subject correctly typed in all or almost all cases, and the test was repeated, then the probability is very low that was advised. One can then assume that the test person can really distinguish between the two sources.

There are freeware, with which you can perform ABX tests. This method is used to test audio codecs. Example, one can find out which bit rate of a codec is needed for the lossy compressed audio file can no longer be distinguished from an uncompressed variant ( transparency).
