Acarichthys heckelii

Heckel cichlid ( Acarichthys heckelii )

Heckel cichlid ( Acarichthys heckelii ) has a wide area of ​​distribution in tropical South America. It is widely distributed in the Amazon region and also occurs in the Xingu River, in the lower Rio Tocantins and Essequibo in Guyana. Acarichthys heckeli is the only species of the genus Acarichthys. The genus name is derived from " Acará ", the name for cichlids in a Tupi- Guarani language, and " ichthys " ( Greek for fish) together, the Art epithet was heckelii awarded in honor of the Austrian ichthyologist Johann Jakob Heckel.


Heckel cichlid is 13 to 25 inches long and has a moderately high-backed, laterally strongly flattened body and is generally similar to the cichlids of the genus Geophagus. The mouth is small and can only be slightly protruded. The eye is relatively far back. The basic color of Heckel cichlid is ocher, the sides and the proximal portions of the fins are covered with shiny points. The rear fin rays of the dorsal fin and the outer rays of the non-indented tail fin are filament- undressed and reddish in color. The first three or four fin rays of the dorsal fin are black. Below the first side line there is a black or brown spot. The paired fins are orange with blue fin edges. Females are smaller than males, their colors are too pale and the Flossenfilamente are not pulled out so long.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal XII-XIV/11-12, Anal III/7-8.
  • Dandruff formula: MLR 29-30; SL 18-19/13-16.


Heckel cichlid spawns in a cave. The several hundred eggs large scrim is fastened to the cave ceiling and cared for by the female, while the male guards the territory. The fry hatch after three days and swim freely after a further three days.
