
Under acclamation (from Latin Acclamatio, acclamation, from ad, to, and clamare, call ) is generally understood as an approving applause at a meeting. In particular, it is understood to be a consent to a pre-selection by acclamation, applause or a simple show of hands. This distinguishes it from a vote, where several alternatives are considered.

Example ( club )

( Must be done, even if only one person, without notice of the vote by acclamation contradicts ) show of hands as opposed to the secret ballot. - For example: "Today we appoint Mr. B. Honorary President for life. Contradict someone? If all the to? - Votes against? - Abstentions " ." No votes against / majority / the vote counting results in x - and y Yes No votes at z abstentions ( the data subject ) "

Acclamation in the Academy

In the academic environment, the acclamation is done by tapping on the table.

Rise contradictions, should be agreed by a show of hands.

Acclamation of the Roman Empire

In Roman history acclamation referred in particular the declaration of a victorious general on the battlefield to the Emperor. In late antiquity, an important role was the repeated acclamation, which was often associated with receivables and partly lasted for hours, as a medium of communication with the Emperor. The acclamation joined by the people at the Kurspruch.

Acclamation in Judaism and Christianity

In Jewish, Christian and Islamic worship is the Amen together spoken or amine of community acclamation to what has been said or prayed. The liturgy of the Church also knows more acclamations the faithful.

Until 1996, there was the possibility of a decision by acclamation at the papal election. Pope John Paul II abolished these Come into disuse method.

Acclamation in the dictatorship

Especially in the era of National Socialism government statements were often held, after which the audience applauded. Hitler and other Nazis brought the " consent " of their people through state-controlled " elections " and acclamations.

The state socialism in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries did not renounce the " consent " of the people. Acclamations for example, were common in elections to the village Soviet. Applause was also common after expressions of loyalty to Stalin.

Acclamation at the UN

The UN Security Council has the South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon nominated as the new Secretary General of the United Nations. Haya Rashid Al Khalifa The Chair suggested the candidate of the UN General Assembly, which was adopted by acclamation.

Acclamation as a political expression of the welfare state democracies

The philosopher and sociologist Jürgen Habermas describes in his 1973 published font legitimation problems in late capitalism acclamation as an expression of general political apathy. Thus, political decisions would - have been largely delegated in the form of representative democracy by the electorate - no basic advice and criticism more subject; rather a rule as designated by him " civic privatism " before, the abbilde the formal structure of political action just as the other side of a largely disinterested in public affairs consumer attitude (see Hedonism ):

" The blank formal democratic institutions and procedures shall ensure that the decisions of the administration can be made largely independent of specific motifs of the citizen. This is done by a legitimation process, the generalized motives, ie procured content diffuse mass loyalty, but avoids participation. The structural transformation of the bourgeois public sphere provides for the formal democratic institutions and procedures, application conditions under which occupy the citizen in the midst of a political society in itself the status of passive citizens with the right to Akklamationsverweigerung. The private autonomous decision on the investment is its necessary complement in civic privatism of the public of citizens. "


  • Election procedures
  • Conclave (Theme)