Acknowledge character

An ACK signal ( for eng. Acknowledgment = confirmation, consent, acknowledgment) is a signal that is used when transmitting data to confirm the receipt or the processing of data or commands. Character sets that control terminals ACK exists often as control characters (ASCII 06, 46 EBCDIC ), in network protocols, special data packets have the meaning ACK.

The rejection of the transmitted data (eg due to faulty reception ) is in this context, often with NAK (No Acknowledgement / Negative Acknowledgement ) acknowledges, for example, the ASCII Code 21 (CTRL- U). In such a case is usually trying to retransmit the data, or the connection breaks with an error.

Examples of protocols that use the ACK signals in various forms, are TCP and DHCP. Even with the change of DNS records on the procedure of connectivity coordination ( KK) at provider changes an ACK message is used.

Derived from this meaning in data transmission ACK is used in network jargon as consent, within the meaning of " exactly as it is," or " I agree" or " that's ok ".

Pictures of Acknowledge character
