
As Eccrine Porom or Akrospirom a group of benign tumors is called low risk of malignancy. They form the dermal and / or intraepidermal sweat duct.


The Eccrine Porom manifests itself as skin -colored or reddish, smooth, rough solitary plaque or nodes with a size of about one to three centimeters. Most commonly, the tumor occurs between 30 and 60 years of age and is to be found for about 60 percent of the sole of the foot and foot edge and about 20 percent also on the hands or on the head.


The Eccrine Porom is wide tumor strands of uniform, small, cuboidal cells with connection to the epidermis. There are also purely intraepidermal preferred forms of Eccrine Poroms, these are referred to as Hidrakanthoma simplex.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis should be considered for Eccrine Porom other adnexal masses.


The treatment of Eccrine Poroms lies in its excision.


  • Wolfram Sterry, Ralf Paus ( and other authors ): Checklist of Dermatology - Venereology, Allergology, Phlebology, andrology, Thieme, 5th Edition 2004 ( ISBN 978-3-136-97005-8 )
  • Tumor