
Adavere ( German Addafer ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian county Jõgeva. It belongs to the rural community Põltsamaa. Adavere has 669 inhabitants (as of 2006).


Adavere is located on the road between Tallinn and Tartu, about seven kilometers from the city Põltsamaa. In Adavere is the geographical center of the Estonian mainland.


The village was first mentioned in documents in 1682.

Culture and sights

Adavere is known today for its wind mill in which there is a restaurant.

The massive German Baltic manor of Adavere is documented since the 17th century. The present mansion was built in 1892 /93 the older foundations. Today, located in the building a school and a kindergarten. The geometrically planned park was created in 1740 and was regarded as one of the most beautiful of Estonia. He was considerably altered in the 19th century.
