
AdBlock is an open -source ad filter and pop-up blocker, which can be used as an extension for the web browser Google Chrome and Safari.

AdBlock, not related or allied with the commercial Adblock Plus, with over 20 million users, the most popular additional extension for Google Chrome and Safari. The search engine giant Google lists for " AdBlock " despite its significant position as ad blockers, initially only preferred the derogations open, Adblock Plus.

Filter lists

The updates to the filter lists can automatically retrieve. In addition to the standard list can be divided into AdBlock also Antisocial filter list to activate, this prevents, for example, the Facebook can collect data when pages are visited with social plugins.

More activated in addition, lists are directed against malware into websites and, for example, " Fanboy's Annoyances ", these are particularly disturbing CSS toolbars, flyouts, pop-ups and other items.

Version History

  • Version 2.1: Added a support for many languages. Currently AdBlock support so that more than 33 languages.
  • Version 2.4: Strong improvement in speed and storage management per Table
  • Version 2.5: All types of downloadable advertising are blocked, including paid advertisements in videos and in Flash.
  • Version 2.6: Informs the user either now about how much advertising on the site and has been blocked altogether.

Software with similar functionality

The most similar to AdBlock ad blocker Adblock Plus, Adblock and Adblock Edge Lite ( which is now no longer being developed ). The French Internet provider Free has released a firmware update for one of their routers in early 2013, which advertising can already block in the router. This implementation of an internet filter still contains some errors and can be disabled by the user, but is enabled by default.
