Adelbert von Keller

Henry Adelbert von Keller ( 5 * July 1812 in Pleidelsheim; † 13 March 1883 in Tübingen ) was a German linguist and specialist in German, which was known by its numerous editions and translations of medieval and early modern literature and of the Swabian dialect.


The son of the town pastor Johann Jakob Keller went to school in Stuttgart and studied from 1830 in Tübingen first theology, later Ludwig Uhland and Moriz Rapp Modern Philology. After his studies, he traveled for the Study of the Old French manuscripts to Paris. From 1835, he taught as a lecturer in Modern Languages ​​Tübingen, from 1837 he was librarian of the next Second Universitätsbibiliothek. From September 1840 to March 1841 he took his doctor's advice on a trip to Italy, which he used for the exploration of Italian manuscripts of the Middle Ages, Venice, Florence and Rome. Since 1841 associate professor, he was appointed in 1844 to full professor and head librarian of the University of Tübingen. In 1850 he resigned from the post librarian and devoted himself entirely to teaching and his many publications, most notably editions of texts of the Middle Ages, as well as translations from French, Provencal, Spanish, Italian and English. In 1858 he was rector of the university.

As of 1849, founded in Stuttgart in 1839 literary club was under Keller's presidency. This Bibliophilengesellschaft had numerous prominent and wealthy members and was able to ensure the publication of larger and commercially less promising editions. Keller was for decades the driving force of the library of the literary club in Stuttgart, which was under his care at an internationally respected publication series of publications of medieval and early modern source texts. Within the series, he published among other things, a monumental edition of the works of Hans Sachs

Keller put on the model of Schmeller Bavarian dictionary in decades of research and collecting activities, the basis for a Swabian dictionary that looked after his death by Hermann Fischer and was published in seven volumes.

Adelbert von Keller died after a long illness at the age of 70 years in Tübingen. He was the father of the teaching in Freiburg, Graz and Prague classical philologist Otto Keller ( 1838-1927 ). In 1852 he was at the request of Ottilie Wildermuth godfather of her son Hermann. Her husband Johann David Wildermuth, also born in Pleidelsheim was on friendly terms since childhood with basement.


Keller was elected a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and other learned societies. In 1854 he was awarded the Knight's Cross 1st class of the Order of the Württemberg Crown, which was connected with the personal title of nobility.


  • George Sand: Selected Writings, 1836-1837
  • William Shakespeare's plays ( with Moriz Rapp ), 1843-1846
  • Old French word, 1839-1840, 2nd edition 1876
  • Juan Manuel: El Conde Lucanor, 1839
  • Miguel de Cervantes Sämmtliche novels and short stories ( with Friedrich Rotter ), 1839-1842, 2nd edition 1850
  • Maria Edgeworth: Selected short stories, 1840
  • Romancero del Cid, 1840 ( digitized )
  • Gudrun, 1840
  • Two Fabliaux from a Neuchatel manuscript, 1840 ( digitized )
  • Hans von Bühel: Dyocletianus life, 1841 ( digitized )
  • Chrétien de Troyes: Li Dou novel Chevalier au Leon. Fragments from a Vatican manuscript, 1841
  • Gesta Romanorum. This is indeed the Romans, 1841 ( digitized )
  • Gesta Romanorum (only volume 1 appeared ), 1842 ( digitized )
  • Folk songs from Brittany, a translation of the Barzaz Breiz, collected by La Villemarqué ( with Eduard von Seckendorf ), 1841
  • Inauguralrede about the task of modern philology, 1842
  • Songs Guillielms IX. Counts of Peitieu Duke of Aquitaine, 1843, 1848, 2nd edition 1850
  • Romvart. Contributions to the customer medieval poetry from Italian libraries, 1844 ( digitized )
  • The dialects, in: The Kingdom of Württemberg, 1844 (. Digitized version of the edition, 1863, pp. 376ff there )
  • Description of the opening of the new University building to Tübingen, 1845
  • Old German poems, 1846-1861 ( Dititalisat Vol 1)
  • Old good farces, 1847
  • Songs Guillems of Berguedan, 1849
  • A song of Marcabrun, as a contribution to Göthelitteratur ( with WL Holland), 1849
  • Songs of Henry Earl of Wirtenberg ( with WL Holland), 1849
  • A Spil by a Keiser and eim Apt, 1850
  • Walther von Rheinau life of Mary, 1849-1855
  • Middle Dutch poems, 1851
  • Italiänischer amendment Schatz, 1851
  • Instructions for collection of the Swabian language bank, 1855
  • Elblin of Eselsberg, 1856
  • Un miracle de Nostre Dame. D'un enfant, qui fu donne au dyable, quant il fu engendre, 1865
  • The old German story of the red lips, 1874
  • Uhland as a playwright, with use of his hand- written estate, 1877
  • Directory Old German manuscripts / by Henry Adelbert von Keller. Edited by Eduard Sievers. - Tübingen. Laupp, 1890 Digitized edition of the University and State Library Dusseldorf

Numerous volumes of the "Library of the literary association in Stuttgart", from 1849 (proof of digitized see main article):

  • Introduction to: Heinrich Witten Weiler: The Ring, 1851
  • Shrovetide games from the fifteenth century, 4 volumes, 1853-1858
  • Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausenmuseum: The Adventurous Simplicissimus and other writings, 4 volumes, 1854
  • Tales of Old German manuscripts, 1854
  • Hugo Lange Stein: Martina, 1856
  • Amadis. According to the oldest German settlement. , 1857
  • Konrad von Würzburg: The Trojan War, 1858
  • Karl, Suppose, 1858
  • Ludwig von Eyb: The stories and deeds Wilwolts of Schaumburg, 1859
  • Heinrich Steinhowel ( by Giovanni Boccaccio ): Decameron, 1860
  • Niklas von Wyle: translations, 1861
  • Cyriacus Spangenberg: From Musica and the master singers, 1862
  • Jacob Ayrer: Ayrers dramas, 5 volumes, 1865
  • The German Book of Heroes. After the alleged oldest printing, 1867
  • Hans Sachs: works, 26 volumes, 1870-1908
  • Augustin Tüngers Facetiae, 1874
  • The Nibelungenlied, after Piaristenhandschrift, 1879
  • Georg Rudolf Widmann: Faust's life, 1880