Adventure fiction

An adventure novel, is a novel, which focuses on one or more adventure must be passed. In the center is usually a main character or group of characters, experience the adventure.


Adventure literature is as old as literature itself although they do not always occurred under the terminology " adventure novel " on, but also as a myth, epic, or fairy tales, adventure stories but enthusiastic audience at any time and in any culture. For adventure literature to ancient times, even be traced back to the Ancient Near East: In the Babylonian literature created works such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, still in the Dark Ages of Greece Homer created the Odyssey ( 8th century BC). In both works, the protagonists must already exist one adventure after another.

Another precursor of modern adventure novels of the medieval Arthurian romance and romance of chivalry are generally with the element of Aventiure, the Amadisroman, called Spielmannsepik as well as the chapbooks of the 16th century. Occur on characters like Arthur, Sindbad, Fortunatus or Amadis in them. Also since the 16th century in Spain become popular picaresque novel is one of the predominant types of early adventure novel. Here the main character is itself a rogue who as "different " or " exotic " viewed.

In the 18th century was inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, the sub-genre of Robinson Crusoe, and adventure literature also appeared in the form of travel, Lies, showers and robber novels in appearance.

A variety of adventurous literature emerged in the 19th century, with special attention to the name Eugène Sue ( The Mysteries of Paris, in 1842 and 1843), Alexandre Dumas ( The Count of Monte Cristo, 1844 and 1845 ), Friedrich Gerstäcker ( The regulators in Arkansas, 1846), Karl May (the prodigal son or the prince of misery, 1884-1886 ) and Jules Verne ( Sandorf ) must be placed, who were able to sustainably shape today's adventure novel. These were published propagated as serial novels in newspapers and in particularly in Romanheft rows.

Jules Verne pawned his protagonists in a world of technological innovations and adventure, Karl May traveled as a fictional first-person narrator of the Orient and the American West, and so coined the Wild West novel. Less well known than these two authors, during their lifetime but read widely, was the French author Gustave Aimard and the Italian Emilio Salgari.

In the 20th century B. Traven was, who knew adventure and socially critical aspects combine together an enigmatic celebrity. The French author Henri Charriere gained great attention with his autobiography Papillon. In addition, tramps and time-critical picaresque novels occur (for example, Günter Grass's The Tin Drum ) as a sub-genre of adventure literature of the 20th century.

With different subject areas and narrative modes, the adventure literature transformed in modern times again and again without losing its charm.

The adventure novel originally belonged to high literature, was very quick to find in all literary fields, both in children 's literature, as well as in entertainment and fiction. This is also the reason why one classifies a wide variety of plants in this area.


The basic principle of an adventure story is that a hero breaks from his everyday world into a strange, dangerous world in which he has to cope with all sorts of problems and tasks, risking their lives. His destination is usually the rescue of a person or his own world, from which it is broken up. In general, an adventure novel from the hero perspective is told that embodies the good and often fights against dark forces or evil and ultimately wins. In this case, it is often accompanied by one or more persons.

Stylistically, let adventure novels as easily denote descriptive language written literature. Individual is not or barely coherent stories are often linked. Frequently small episodes or stories are featured in the plot, which in a direct and clear manner focuses on current events.
