Advisory speed limit

As recommended speed is referred to on roads without or with a higher speed limit, a speed which, if exceeded, sometimes below which, even at low road, traffic, visibility and weather conditions is not recommended.


Exceeding the recommended speed is not a criminal or administrative offense. In an accident, however, joint liability can be credited due to increased operational risk.

In Germany since 1978 applies on motorways and out of town on similar ( structural separation between the carriageways or at least two lanes in each direction) a recommended speed of 130 km / h ( § 1 motorway - directional speed regulation).

The speeds driven on motorway sections without speed limits, however, are significantly higher. An example of the A9 in the field Niemegk shows: " On average, well over 60 % of road users to drive faster than 130 km / h More than 30% of road users drive on average faster than 150 km / h "


With the traffic signs 380 and 381 can be set for a range a different advisory speed. On April 1, 2013, the Regulation entered into force on the recast of the Road Traffic Regulations. The traffic signs 380 and 381 were deleted without replacement, where already the aim of averting an immediate Umbeschilderung signs are valid until October 31, 2022 on ( § 53 Highway Code ).

On some highways (eg A9 in Brandenburg) is the recommended speed of 130 km / h indicated with this traffic sign, although this is not really necessary, since these recommended speed is also without this sign.

The information in the table at border crossing points ( traffic signs 393) built-in character remains.

Characters 381: recommended speed ( end )

Characters 393: Information board at border crossing points with regard to the recommended speed

Court to disregard the recommended speed

Exceeding the recommended speed pulls per se no penal consequences.

If a motorist who has exceeded the recommended speed of 130 km / h involved without fault in an accident, he is liable pro rata for the accident damage, unless he can prove that it is also at a speed of 130 km / h would come to the accident with equally serious consequences.

Also, in a judgment of the Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg ( Az: 13 U 712/10 ) shows that even if it is the victim when driving too fast ends, contributory negligence can result from this. This means that even with a predominant fault of the other party, such as when it is changed immediately to the left lane for a highway entrance, must carry the injured part of the damage itself ( Stuttgart Higher Regional Court of 11 November 2009, Case No. 3 U 122 / 09).

A driver of on a highway with his car - especially in the dark - the recommended speed of 130 km / h and 200 km / h by about 60 % and thus exceeds massively contributes to an accident - even in a serious traffic violation of the other party - a joint liability. This was decided by the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz on 14 October 2013 ( Case No. 12 U 313/13 ). The judges justified their judgment on the fact that the recommended speed has just recommended it to minimize risks arising experience shows the operation of a motor vehicle at high speed. Who, however, especially as in this case in the dark, ignored the recommended speed in a massive way, resulting in favor of his own fast advancement given accident avoidance game room almost to zero. A speed in the range of 200 km / h makes it a rule not to recognize uncertainties in the development of a regularly shaped by the actions of several road users and traffic conditions in time to adjust.


The recommended speed limit was introduced in Switzerland in 1965 on a trial basis. In 1966, the federal government put recommended speeds for three highway and a highway Part ago, cantons in turn may itself set on other sections of directional speeds. The recommended speed is the range of reasonable speed, the speed should not be exceeded, but are not exceeded for no reason. An advisory speed plaque was erected every 3-5 km.

The following sections were set by the federal government in 1966:

In practice, the recommended speed is said to have had no success. Recommended speeds, " even those of 120 km / h can be exceeded even when it rains ." Outside cities with the oil crisis and the general introduction of speed limits and on highways to 1973, the experiment was terminated.

Pictures of Advisory speed limit
