
Under Adynamia (Greek: αδυναμία, adynamia, weakness ) refers to a general exhaustion or a strong force and listlessness.

Psychology, medicine

The term has both a psychological as well as a pathophysiological dimension. Thus, a Adynamia example, occur as a result of mental illness, within the framework of existing physical disorders or metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism, an Addison's disease, hypercalcaemia, hypokalaemia, various muscular dystrophies or after long andauerndem use of cannabis occur. Other diseases are the A. episodica hereditaria (also Gamstorp syndrome) and the affective Adynamia in narcolepsy. Here, there is a periodic limp, about an hour lasting persistent paralysis of the limbs and trunk as a result of an autosomal dominant hereditary disorder of potassium metabolism. One can distinguish the hyper- or hypokalemic type.

The term Adynamia of language (verbal adynamia ) named after Luria, a special form of aphasia.


Aristotle uses the term in the sense of failure as a privative contrast to the capacity to act ( potentiality ). Heidegger uses the concept for the impotence.
