Ælfflæd of Mercia

Aelfflaed (also Ælfflæd, Ælfled ) was a daughter of Offa, king of Mercia, and his wife Cynethryth in Anglo-Saxon England.

Aelfflaed may have co-signed in the 770er years with her father, her mother and her brother Ecgfrith a charter as a witness, and a second 787, where two of her sisters are represented in the list of witnesses. In the latter document it is as virgo, that is referred unmarried.

Charlemagne hit 789 before, a daughter of Offa (probably Aelfflaed ) should marry his son Karl, what Offa with the suggestion that his son Ecgfrith should marry Charles' daughter Bertha in return replied. This led to a conflict between Mercia and the Frankish Empire. Karl broke off contacts with the Anglo-Saxons and forbade Anglo-Saxon ships to run Frankish ports. The diplomatic crisis was only after several years - including through the provision of Gervold, abbot of Saint- wall groove - resolved.

Aelfflaed married on September 29, 792 King Æthelred I of Northumbria in Catterick. The ealdormen Ealdred and Wada led a conspiracy to which Æthelred on April 18, 796 in Cobre ( Corbridge ) fell victim. His widow Ælfflæd retired to a monastery.


  • Charter S59
  • Anonymous: Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Online at Project Gutenberg (English)
  • The Anglo - Saxon Chronicle: MS A v. 3, Janet Bately (ed.), Brewer, Rochester (NY ), 1986, ISBN 0-8599-1103-9.
  • English Historical Documents, vol. LC500 -1042, Dorothy Whitelock (ed.), 2nd Ed, Routlegde, London 1979, ISBN 0-4151-4366-7.