
Aisakos (Greek Αἴσακος ) In Greek mythology, the son of the Trojan king Priam and the nymph Alexirrhoë, the daughter of the river god Granicus or Arisbe, a daughter of the seer Merops Perkosios.

In the case of the latter lineage, he learned the art of dream interpretation from his grandfather - he is mentioned here, however, especially because of his love for the nymph Hesperia: When he once saw this washed her hair at Kebren, he fell in love with " immortal" in it - or even tried, you readjust. She fled and was bitten by a snake in her flight. When she died, Aisakos tried several times to kill by jumping into the sea from a cliff, the wife of Oceanus, the Titan Tethys finally took pity on him and turned him into a diving bird.
