Agnes Denes

Agnes Denes ( born May 31, 1938 in Budapest, Hungary) is an American artist.


Denes was one of the first conceptual artists. She explores her art physics, social sciences, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, art history, poetry and music and translated their observations in the visual arts. Denes is also a pioneer of landscape art.

She introduced from 1977 at the Documenta VI in Kassel and three times on the Venice Biennale (1978, 1980 and 2001). She also had 375 group and solo exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA ), the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum in New York as well as in 42 other museums. Denes received in 1994 an honorary doctorate ( Fine Arts) from Ripon College, Wisconsin, USA.

Denes lives in New York City.


  • " Rice / Tree / Burial - The Time Capsule", 1977-1979, Artpark Lewiston, New York, USA
  • " Wheatfield - A Confrontation " (1982) - a 8000 m² large wheat field in Downtown Manhattan, New York, USA
  • " Tree Mountain - A Living Time Capsule " (1996) in Ylöjärvi, Finland
  • " New Dutch Waterline " (2000)