Airlines for America

Airlines for America ( A4A ) is an umbrella organization of American Airlines. A4A was founded in 1936 as the Air Transport Association ( ATA) in Chicago from 14 airlines and is still the most important association of carriers in the USA.


The main task of the A4A represents the interests of the airlines against the U.S. government in relation to regulations concerning air traffic.

The A4A sets the standards in many areas, which are then adapted by airlines around the world. This is, for example, ATA100, in which is described as conventional maintenance manuals structured in chapters build are. The sequel is the new ATA2000 that describes actually the same, but for digital documentation (CD -ROM). These standards are observed by all suppliers to the aerospace industry, and allow maintenance personnel, relatively easy to find the right chapter in several documents at once.

But the areas of A4A go further, the growing importance of fuel quality and its handling at airports is controlled in recent years about the ATA Spec 103 increasingly severe and often requires changes and further training of supervisory and support personnel.

A recent focus of A4A is called the Simplified English, it is now a standard be generated in the language of the English language in the field of aviation. These approaches are already being taken for example by the engine manufacturers and incorporated into new revisions.


Associate members ( non-US airlines)

Members from industry

  • Aero Instruments & Avionics
  • ATR Aircraft
  • Benfield Group
  • Bombardier Regional Aircraft
  • Cendant Corporation (Galileo GDS)
  • Embraer
  • Honeywell Aerospace
  • KPMG
  • Metron Aviation Inc.
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Sensis Corporation
  • SITA
  • TDG Aerospace Inc.
  • TIMCO Aviation Services
  • Universal Air Travel Plan
  • Unisys Global Transportation
  • USI Insurance Services
  • WinWare Inc.

Booth: 2006
