
Airtime (English as: " time in the air " ) is an English term for the feeling of weightlessness or take-off from the seat especially in roller coasters, but also in other rides.


Literally translated Airtime " air time ", which is due to the fact that one floats during the airtime or even takes off and thus " spending time in the air". Depending on the strength of the emerging powers, a distinction is often " floating airtime " and " Ejector Airtime ". By " floating " (Eng.: pending) are understood rather light forces around the 0 -g- limit ( zero gravity ), whereas in the " Ejector " (Eng.: ejector / ejector ) stronger negative g - forces occur, the rider to a short distance from the seat until it is held by the catapult restraint bar.

Airtime is produced mainly by hills, but also by steep ridge drops and mostly used in roller coasters without inversions.


Airtime is caused by the inertia of the rider. When the train goes over a hill, the body is placed in an upward motion while the train at the apex through the rail and the Underfriction Wheels moves back down. As a result, the body of the rider is lifted out of the seat. Is the vertical acceleration of the body so large as the gravitational acceleration, the body undergoes gravity, it is more, results in a negative effect.

  • Roller coaster technology