
El- Agelat (Arabic العجيلات al ʿ adschaylat ) is the name of a small town and region in the district of al - Chams Nuqat in Libya, with a roughly estimated population of over 4,878. It is located about 80 kilometers west of Tripoli.

From 1983 to 1988, the region was a separate district with the town of el- Agelat as its capital.


The tribal groups in el- Agelat ( qabā'il ) are currently divided into two main federations or sections, including: Gehat Alwadi ( جهة الوادي ) Aulad Hamid, consisting of; al - E'rīshāt ( العريشات ); al - Ma'īzāt ( المعيزات ); ul- Qauādī ( القواضى ); and al - Herscheh ( الهرشة ): The second section is known as Aulad Rashid, consisting of; Aulad al -Sheikh; and Aulad Rashid. Aulad Alshik ( اولاد الشيخ ) consisting of Aulad Mousa اولاد موسى Auld Bozed اولاد ابوزيد Alma Chara المشارة, Aldraba الدرباء, A The total population in the Minţaqa ( area ) al - A'dschēlāt is estimated at over 100,000 Individual - distributed to these tribes.
