
Ak - Dowurak (Russian Ак - Довурак ) with 13,468 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ) is the third largest city in the autonomous Russian republic of Tuva ( South Siberia ).

Location and Geology

The town lies on the river Alash in the West Tuva, 300 km from the capital Kyzyl. From the north it is connected by a 300 km mountain road over the pass Sajanski with the Republic of Khakassia and its capital Abakan.

For Ak - Dowurak is one of the largest asbestos mines in the world, which is operated in the mining and heavy load on the air in the city. The deposit is of postmagmatischem type. Ophiolites, Hyper Basit and chrysotile asbestos are prevalent there. The deposit was discovered in the 1960s. The percentage of chrysotile asbestos in the rock is a minimum of 3%. From this there were prepared textile and industrial asbestos products.

The only gulag in Tuva was from May 1952 to April 1953 in Kyzyl - Mashalyk ( Aktowrakski ITL). 1400 prisoners were employed in the asbestos mine. Since the political turmoil of the early 1990s, the asbestos factory stands still.


Note: Census data


Ak - Dowurak is located on the highway A 162, which connects it with the Republic capital Kyzyl.
