Akkalkot State

Akalkot (also Akkalkot ) was a princely state of British India on the Deccan Plateau in present-day state of Maharashtra. Its capital was the site of Akkalkot.

The Marathenstaat Akalkot was founded in 1708 by Raja Bhonsle Fattehsinghrao I, who had been adopted by a grandson of Shivaji, and was until 1848 a vassal state of Satara, then until 1947 a British protectorate. Akalkot in 1941 had an area of 1,290 km ² and 107,000 inhabitants.

After Britain had decided on 18 July 1947 to dismiss India and Pakistan at independence ( see History of India), Akalkot was initially independent, and the Raja Vijayasinghrao Bhonsle ( 1923-52 ) founded along with 15 other princes the United States Deccan, which were incorporated into the Bombay State on February 5, 1948. On March 8, the Raja took formal connection to India. On November 1, 1956 all principality was abolished. On May 1, In 1960 from the southern part of Bombay, the new state of Maharashtra.
