Aktobe Province

The area Aktobe ( Kazakh Ақтөбе облысы / Aktobe oblyssy, Russian Актюбинская область / Aktjubinskaja oblast ) is one of the 14 regions of Kazakhstan. Its capital is Aktobe (Russian Aktjubinsk ).


The area is located in west-central Kazakhstan. In the south it borders the Aral Sea, to the north by the Uralprovinzen Russia. The largest part of the area occupies a plain crossed by rivers, in the central part of the Mugadscharberge stretch. The highest mountain is 657 meters, the Great Baktybai. The western part of the territory occupied by the Poduralski Plateau, which goes to the southwest into Vorkaspische lowlands; in the southeast, there are sandy massifs - the Aral Karakum and the Great and Little badgers. In the northeast the canyon rich Turgai plateau begins.

Flora and Fauna

The northwestern part of the area is covered with feather grass and wormwood, in the meadows there are marsh vegetation, poplar, aspen and birch trees and shrubbery. The area has large rodent populations ( steppe lemmings, ground squirrels and gerbils ). Among the predators are wolves and foxes steppe. Here live Saiga and Persian gazelles. In Aktobe region is the 348 000 hectare reserve Turgai. It is on the list of internationally important water and wetlands. The lakes and adjacent wetlands have an area of ​​40 000 hectares. The importance of the protected area is due to its location on a major migratory bird routes. The protected area live 29 species of mammals, eleven species of fish and 170 species of birds, of which thirty are registered in the Red List of Kazakhstan. The giant reed fields offer boars protection, in the lakes cavort muskrats. But they are more numerous waterfowl. In autumn and spring, the lakes are covered with a thick veil of flocks of birds. Here nesting Greylag Geese, almost all species of ducks, coots, herons, cormorants and beach runners. From the registered in the Red List species nest here whooper swan, white spoonbills, herons sickle, curly pelican, black Rjabok, demoiselle crane, steppe eagle, common eagles, osprey, and ruddy duck. You can meet are also tundra swans, flamingos, red-necked geese, bustards, falcons and rare hooded crane. The waters are for the fishing of great importance. The commercial fishing is strictly prohibited in the nesting and breeding season from April 15 to September 1.


Management Legally the area Aktobe was founded on 10 March 1932 as Oblast Aktjubinsk the former Kazakh SSR.


In the region Aktobe important oil fields are located in Schangaschol ( Жаңажол ) and Kengqijaq ( Кеңқияқ ) and chromium ore at Chromtau.

Near the city Jembi (Russian Emba ) was located at the time of the Soviet Union, a rocket test site.
